Wednesday, January 31, 2007

They cut the hardline! Get out of...

Modot, in their infinite wisdom and planning, severed the T1 line that serves most of Grindsville...this is not a small matter. No phones, no internet, no fix to it in the near term either so...

But I shouldn't be posting from the grind too often anyway, right?

Sigh...we're off to the doctor for baby visit #2..more news about that later...have a good humpday!



Anonymous said...

Where's that sushi from? Looks like I (heart) Mr. Sushi...

Danielle said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I like yours too. It's really interesting and you have some great photos! Is that you with your baby? If so, congratulations! Hope you stop by again!


Anonymous said...

Uh, T1 line? What are you talking about? T1 is a data line that only serves up 1.5 megabits of bandwidth. That's 1/15th of a standard home internet connection these days.