Friday, August 19, 2005

The Ghost on the Black and Whites...

Thats not the point of this post but just something to stick in your memory over the weekend, something to mull over idly while you pull into your drive way from an exhausting week at work, something to try and ignore while you search in vain for the tidbits not ruined in your refridgerator that will comprise your next meal.  The Ghost on the Black and Whites. Actually it seems fairly self-explanatory to me.  But enough of that...on to the post, which is more of a motto for the day.
The Motto for today, kids, is: Let it Roll...
Let it roll.  Think water, duck's backs, gravity, and the way they all tend to intermingle unsatisfyingly.  Some days, you just have to let it roll.  The blind old woman pushing the SUV cuts you off and nearly runs you into a concrete median?  Let it roll.  Sure, you could get mad, screaming and cursing and honking your horn and making obscenities.  You could follow the old woman to her destination whereupon you unleash your Louisville Slugger signed by Terry Pendleton from the backseat of your car and prepare her bumper and tail lights for a very special episode of 'Pimp your Ride'.  You could even go 'gangsta' on the old lady when she yells at you, getting in her face and snarling like a wild beast, daring her to do anything but to submit to the righteous rage and power of black man wronged by society in general and old ladies like her specifically.  Yeah, you could go through all that, but where would that leave you?  You'd get back into your car, still, mad, still fuming, and instead of being able to go about your day, you would relive it, over and over, wondering how you lost your cool, praying that neither she, nor the people who stopped and gaped at you in horror had cell phones with cameras on them.  The scene would haunt you all day, and, instead of making you feel better, would probably ruin the rest of your week, especially when the police gave you a little call to tell you to come downtown to talk to them for a little bit.
    Not that any of that happened to me, mind you, I was just illustrating a point.  Sure, it's been a fairly yuck day, and sure I'm hungry and tired and frustrated and lonely and antsy.  But do I complain?  Not this  soldier...well...not till just now, anyway... I'm trying to just let it roll.  Let it Roll.  Stress is a killer and It's almost the weekend.  What do I have to complain about?  Well, aside from all that stuff, above....Just Let It Roll...
    The end is nigh...
    This will probably be my last post for awhile.  I keep hearing that people read my blog all the time but get mad when I dont respond but the only way I know anybody has even been through this tumbleweed infested podunk of a website is when they leave a comment.  So do your part and leave a comment so that I know that you were here.  Hey, maybe I'll come to your sight and grace it with my presence and leave you a word or two of wisdom.  Maybe You are that lucky?
Have a good weekend and remember...Let It Roll...


Anonymous said...

YOU Cant stop bloggin, Got to much to say and the only way "WE the Five" can exchange info is reading the Tome.

Blu Breeze said...

oooooo...that cutie Tambora commented. Mmmmmm.... seriously. The whole time I was reading this post, I was simultaneously envisioning what was happening with the old lady and thinking of moments in my life where I should just Let It Roll. Sure that creedo will keep you virtually stress-free...but don't you have those moments where you just WANT to be mean and evil and nasty? Just cause you can? I do...hmmmmm...maybe I should just get a part-time gig with the DMV.
