Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Double posting is a way of life, First Dibs on the Universe, Urge to Splurge

Double Posting is a way of Life...
When you're writing from a cell phone so deal, baby!  Twice the rich, nutty flavor, half the uhm....err....half the tomfoolery?  Just kidding! I'd never skimp on the Tom-Foolery or the Jack-Assery around here.  It wouldn't be dignified!  The post I made from my phone was 17Kb which might be a bit big for the Cingular Network to receive and then send again so next time I'll try to keep them a bit shorter.  I just couldn't help it! My inexpressible exuberance for life overtook my senses and a short worded post became filled with....uh...more words...like right now...
Moving on...

First dibs on the Universe!
So Im reading TMQ at lunch when he starts talking about the latest cosmological discovery, which is that of a planet, nearly earth sized (nearly meaning five times as big and made of rock, which may not seem similar but compared to the Titanic sized gas giants they've been spying lately, it's pretty freakin close) planet orbiting a red dwarf some 47 light years away.  He goes through a whole calculation of whether or not there might be more actually inhabitable planets, doing some interesting ratios along the way but he ends up with an interesting hypothesis based on the failure of SETI (The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, a poorly funded NASA program that was the basis for the movie Contact) to discover any signals what so ever.  His hypothesis is this: What if the reason why we havent discovered any life outside of ours is not because there isnt anything out there but because WE ARE THE FIRST ONES HERE!  All those sci-fi novels and games that mention an ancient Elder race that built wonderful technology but all disappeared long ago?  Maybe thems is us!  In a couple billion years, we might spread the virus of human life all over the galaxy, and then die out but leave tantalizing clues of our existence to muscle bound heros and ridiculously preportioned heroines!  Imagine...the things you do today, the influences you have on our culture, no matter how infinitesimal they may seem at the time, could have grand repurcussions in the future...so think about that next time you want to have sex with that monkey!

The urge to splurge...
On Books!  There are several that I want to read that are out right now, and there are also quite a few that I am currently either reading or listening to.  The desire to splurge is just the devil trying to get in my pockets.  Get OUT my pockets Devil!  You caint have none of my scrilla!  Raise UP!  There...I feel better...I wonder how much Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell is on Amazon.com....


Must resist...the urge to splurge....must resist...



Benticore said...

Nice! Of course...June? I cant wait that long...and I didnt...I succumbed to the forces of the devil (I HAVE SINNED AGAINST YOU AND I AM SORRY) and bought the book yesterday. I couldnt resist. I'm a mythology buff and hte book I'm writing heavily deals with myths and dreams and the places in which they combine...So....yeah...heavy guy but I cant imagine sitting through one of his lectures...

See, youve put two comments on my page so now I have to ablige you and pour the nasty nasty jackassery all over your blog....oh yeah....oh yeah...

I dont know where I was going with that..


Anonymous said...

Well done!
[url=http://cwmanqxd.com/zamo/ocqp.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://mhvrlbaq.com/ncol/ftjk.html]Cool site[/url]

Anonymous said...

Well done!
[url=http://rvokequs.com/ffku/qlwa.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://kmssqvuj.com/mwba/yuiw.html]Cool site[/url]

Anonymous said...

Well done!
My homepage | Please visit

Anonymous said...

Well done!
http://rvokequs.com/ffku/qlwa.html | http://kwydukvo.com/yxxq/ahay.html

Anonymous said...

Nice site!
http://cwmanqxd.com/zamo/ocqp.html | http://urznromm.com/dtrq/gbjc.html