Saturday, January 28, 2006

The great task is finished. IT LIVES!!!

We did it!  The washing machine, after many hours of fret and toil, sweat and tears, finally lives and breathes and runs and hums and does all the things and an machine of its size and compexity should do.  Putting the machine together was an interesting task, especially since we were kind of at a loss as to exactly where all the requisite parts to the machine went.  But at the end of the day we finished and had no parts left over, ran it on a test run and the damn thing works, damned if it dont!  Who'd have thunk it.  I wish I had gotten a few pictures of the thing blown apart all over the  basement, its guts spilt on the cold concrete floor like it caught a potato masher on a short fuse.

Its late.
I need a shower.
I made chili.
I think my wife is going to make me drive and pick up her friend.
I dont want to.
I got up at 7am and walked the dog, cleaned the kitchen, fixed the washer, cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I just want to take a nice long shower, sit back down, write for a couple of hours and fall asleep.

That probably wont happen.

Love Peace and Chicken Grease!
MF. Benticore


Raquita said...

Yes - I surrender - he is mr. Fixit, I was worried for nothing - but I told him that its my job as a woman to worry anytime her man takes out tools on what could possibly be way more expensive than he originaly thought. But you did it (you don't know how you did it but you did it and your head hurts, Halo in reverse) and I am so very proud of you!

CousinSarah said...

HAHAHA. WAAAAYYY TO GO. Never doubted if for a minute. :)

(pssst, Q, I will buy ya a drink girl when I get back cause I know you were prayin like crazy. I do everytime I see Rich head out to the car with anything that resembles a tool.)

(Mr. Fixin Jerry)